Gadžo mill with its two millstones still works on the river Perinuša. During the Ottoman rule, several watermills were built and embankments and dams were made of gravel soil. The Franceschi family built several more mills in the 18th century and there were 14 millstones in total. Austria replaced the soil embankments and dams with stone ones, which still resist the destructive forces of water and time. The last miller still vividly remembers the old times, the sound of a millstone, the smell of white flour, the sweet corn mush … From time to time people still mill some wheat, barley, or corn in the last remaining watermill. Not many crops are cultivated in the region any more, but the local population likes to mill them, more for the well-known taste than for any real economic benefit. Swallows still nest in the watermill and in the old villas by the bridge on the Perinuša. It is thought they nest only in places where good people live. Lot of insects ensure enough food for the nestlings and the sight is identical to that of hundreds of years ago: velvety swallows fly low, dragonflies of brocade colours float over the water and the sound of millstones and water rushing down the canals evokes happier times when life was concentrated around the mills on the Vrljika.